Sustainable hotel industry with Click A Tree

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Book sustainably at the Hermes Hotel Oldenburg

In this way, you take a step towards sustainability with every hotel booking.

The Hermes Hotel Oldenburg plants a tree together with Click A Tree for every direct booking via the hotel’s own online portal.

This approach benefits from Click A Tree‘s holistic approach to sustainability, which always combines environmental protection with climate protection, biodiversity and development cooperation.

This commitment sends a clear signal of future viability to customers, which strengthens the brand image and opens doors to new markets.

You too can dynamically advance your hotel business by working with Click A Tree.

Would you like the same for your company?
Then talk to us!

Das Bild zeigt die Fassade des Hermes Hotels, ein Backsteingebäude mit einem großen weißen Vordach. Auf dem Vordach und an der Wand steht das Logo des Hotels. Ein schwarzes Auto mit Hotel-Aufschrift parkt vor dem Eingang. Rechts im Bild ist das Click A Tree-Logo sichtbar, das die Partnerschaft für Nachhaltigkeit betont.

Sustainability at the Hermes Hotel Oldenburg

Located in the heart of Oldenburg, the Hermes Hotel not only offers a central location, but also sustainable hospitality that makes it a pioneer in the hotel industry.

The Hermes Hotel Oldenburg has set itself the goal of actively promoting sustainability.

In addition to the tree planting campaign, the hotel also takes measures to improve energy efficiency, avoid waste and support local suppliers.

All of these measures are aimed at reducing the hotel’s ecological footprint. Since January 2024, the hotel has been rounding off its sustainability management through its collaboration with Click A Tree.

Sustainability ensures future viability in the hotel industry

Local action, global benefit! The trees planted through the hotel’s bookings contribute to the restoration of resilient ecosystems.

These help to protect the global climate for all of us.

In addition, local people receive fairly paid full-time jobs.

The Hermes Hotel Oldenburg can use all of this for its external communication and thus show that it is a responsible player in global tourism.

This makes the brand more popular with customers and strengthens the brand image.

The Hermes Hotel Oldenburg has already achieved the following through its sustainable branding in the hotel industry:

  • 620 kg of plastic waste removed from the ocean
  • 307 hours of work created for local communities
  • over 470 t CO? compensated
Ein massiver Baum mit dicken, knorrigen Ästen steht inmitten grüner Vegetation. Die Baumrinde ist rau und von Kletterpflanzen umgeben. Sonnenstrahlen durchbrechen die Blätter und beleuchten die Umgebung. Dieses Bild zeigt die Schönheit der Natur innerhalb des Click A Tree Pflanzprojekts in Zongo, Ghana.

Sustainable branding in the hotel industry through reforestation projects

By choosing the Hermes Hotel Oldenburg, you are actively helping to protect the climate and promote development cooperation.

Biodiversity is also preserved.

These are good reasons for making a booking decision.

In this way, the company’s sustainable commitment also strengthens its competitiveness.

Overall, everyone benefits from the collaboration with Click A Tree: the hotel, the guests and the climate!

Andreas Bäumler, the managing director, explains his decision to work with Click A Tree as follows: “The decision to work with Click A Tree was the sustainable implementation of Click A Tree, not only to plant the tree sapling but also to take over the aftercare. The 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations were the final deciding factor. We are trying to make a difference with small means. With Click A Tree, the Hermes Hotel has a very good feeling that it is doing the right thing.”

Ein beeindruckender Blick auf eine weite, grüne Landschaft mit mehreren jungen Bäumen, die auf Feldern gepflanzt wurden. Im Zentrum des Bildes steht ein großer Baum, während im Hintergrund ein Gewässer sichtbar ist. Das Bild zeigt die Fortschritte des Click A Tree Projekts in Dambai, Ghana.

You want the same for your hotel – write to us and together we’ll find the right solution for you.

Because we make sustainability uncomplicated for you!

Here you can find the reforestation projects of Click A Tree:

Das Bild zeigt ein großes Feld mit jungen, grünen Pflanzen, die sorgfältig in Reihen gepflanzt wurden. Im Hintergrund erstreckt sich die Landschaft mit vereinzelten Bäumen und üppiger Vegetation. Dieses Bild gehört zum Aufforstungsprojekt von Click A Tree in Dambai, Ghana.

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