Sustainability effectively implemented in the restaurant

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How the CHECK INN restaurant and Click A Tree work together

The CHECK INN is located on the former airfield in Böblingen, so the choice of name was obvious.

It offers modern, regionally rooted cuisine paired with a unique event location.

Since 2021, CHECK INN has been working with Click A Tree to plant trees through gastronomic experiences and thus give something back to our planet.

Would you like the same for your company?
Then talk to us!

Nachhaltigkeit im Restaurant CHECK INN: Dieses Bild zeigt ein grünes Waldgebiet (Zongo in Ghana) mit jungen Bäumen, die in einem weiten Bereich verteilt sind. Im Vordergrund wächst hohes Gras. Der Text „Nachhaltigkeit im Restaurant effektiv umgesetzt“ steht zentral im Bild, während oben rechts das Logo des Check Inn Restaurants zu sehen ist. Unten links ist das „Click A Tree“-Logo platziert, das die Verbindung zum Aufforstungsprojekt unterstreicht.

Increasing profits through sustainability

The 2021 partnership between CHECK INN and Click A Tree is a prime example of how companies can make a real difference through creative concepts. Zero risk: the restaurant offers its guests the “sustainable” “Drink for Nature” and “Food for Nature” options. However, it is up to the guests to decide whether they want to participate in the reforestation projects or choose something else from the menu.

The company’s commitment to preserving a healthy environment is reflected in its forward-looking mindset.

Customers understand that the company operates in an ecologically responsible manner.

A clear bonus for the value of the brand.

Invest in sustainability - benefit twice over

With over 300 trees planted, the CHECK INN is making a valuable contribution to environmental protection.

The success story so far shows how effective such partnerships can be.

Planting over 300 trees means a significant reduction in CO2-footprint and a valuable contribution to biodiversity.

The tree plantations also create jobs for locals and important habitats for wildlife.

Dieses Bild zeigt einen großen Baum mit dicken, verzweigten Ästen und einer rauen Rinde. Der Baum ist umgeben von dichter, grüner Vegetation. Sonnenlicht fällt durch die Blätter und beleuchtet Teile des Baumes und der Umgebung. Unten links befindet sich das „Click A Tree“-Logo, das auf das Aufforstungsprojekt hinweist.

Visit the CHECK INN, enjoy “Drinks for Nature” and “Food for Nature” and become part of a movement that really makes an impact.

Every drink and every dish counts – because together we can create a greener, more sustainable world.

Do you also have a restaurant and want to become more sustainable?

Contact us without obligation, we will find excellent solutions for your company!

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