9 unexpected benefits of planting trees
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What comes to mind when you hear the word “holistic”? Are you thinking of aromatic herbal teas, natural medicine and yoga? Sounds good, but there’s a lot more to it than that.
In short, it stands for a complete system. This means that not only individual branches are taken into consideration, but “the whole tree”. This is also the case with our reforestation projects, which go far beyond planting seedlings.
Among other things, this boosts the economy, creates secure food sources and supports education.

Find out now what other advantages planting trees has and why a holistic approach to reforestation is so important.
What exactly does holistic mean in the context of reforestation?
How can holistic thinking be applied to the cultivation of trees? First of all, we need to look at what “holistic” actually means.
According to our dictionary, “Holism views every thing and every system in a unified way, not just as the sum of its parts.”¹ An example of the use of the term is: “Ecological problems usually require holistic solutions.”

Exactly! And trees are the building blocks on which entire ecologies are based. If we want to bring about sustainable change, we need to reforest the planet in a way that creates the greatest possible impact.
That means paying local people fairly, creating new opportunities and secure food sources, planting mixed forests that most closely resemble nature to promote biodiversity, and more. That’s why we regularly ask ourselves this one question: “What can we achieve with a tree?”
Because that’s the only way we can produce these 9 life-changing benefits of planting trees.
9 Unexpected benefits of planting trees
Trees are our best friends. They will never deprive us of oxygen unless we cut them down. Trees provide access: from food sources to jobs to a valuable education!
#1. Planting trees creates jobs
In countries where deforestation is progressing at breakneck speed, people need jobs just as urgently as the environment needs trees.
That is why we have decided, among other things, to support reforestation in Ghana. We leave a big impact here by planting trees.

Most “eco-projects” work with volunteers or offer training in various trades/skills in return for free labor. In this way, progress can be made in environmental improvements, but we also want to strengthen the roots of the community.
All our employees are paid fairly and have job security. Your sustainably earned salary ensures that the trees are cared for in the long term and that all our employees have happy faces.
#2. How trees and plants stimulate the economy
And just as the environment benefits, our colleagues at the planting sites also have a sufficient income that they can spend in their own economy. We pay wages that lead to a decent living.

When the local economy is stimulated, everyone wins. Our employees invest back in their home country in more ways than one.
#3. Trees help the exchange of knowledge
In 2018, our entrepreneurship school was opened with the aim of teaching environmental and entrepreneurial skills to the local community in Ghana.
The school currently teaches 18- to 25-year-olds the basics of computer science, accounting, English, public speaking, business practices and special work projects.

In addition to the lessons, the pupils can also learn ecological knowledge such as organic farming and beekeeping. Would you like to get involved? Click here.
#4. Planting trees develops sustainable water use
An important part of holistic reforestation is empowering local people and offering them new opportunities.
The entrepreneurial school also teaches irrigation to improve the stability and growth of the harvest.

By mixing cultures, we learn better what the local population needs and how we can support them in their financial and environmental progress.
All of this is possible because we design our reforestation projects to be holistically sustainable.
#5. Trees promote equality
Trees do not discriminate, and that also applies to us. We hire employees who want to make a difference for the environment, regardless of their gender.

The employment of women levels the playing field. The possibility for a family to earn a joint income is an additional benefit for local communities.
#6. Planting trees for a better future
As the parents work with us on our tree planting projects, their children can go to school. Be it at the entrepreneurial school we built or at one of the local schools. Education is power.

Parents can live sustainably.
Children can receive an education.
The environment can breathe a sigh of relief.
#7. Planting trees restores the water cycle
We know you’re probably thinking, “Surely Click A Tree can’t plant trees in the ocean”, right?
But true. Like in the Philippines, for example: While the tourism industry is booming, the trees that stand in its way are falling. The resorts are digging up valuable mangrove trees to make room for swimming pools, among other things, and the natural environment is being severely damaged.

These trees provide a home for hundreds of small marine animals, supply valuable nutrients and prevent the damaging erosion of the island groups.
Hand on heart: mangroves are superstars. Their roots act like a net and catch harmful plastic that hungry marine animals could otherwise easily mistake for their lunch.
And mangroves are also HUGE carbon sinks that benefit both marine and terrestrial life? Do you want to plant a mangrove yet?
#8. Planting trees, harvesting biodiversity
Elephants are “the gardeners of the jungle”: when the majestic giants stroll along the paths of Thailand’s forests, they fulfill a central task.
They prefer to feed on ripe forest fruits, which makes them the most important seed dispersers (through their excrement) in the forest. With the help of the elephants, huge quantities of tree seeds are planted over dozens of kilometers of forest, each in its own little fertilizer packet.

Every new tree that grows in this way in turn supports thousands of other living creatures and other elephants. And of course our entire planet too!
Elephants are one of your favorite animals? Find out the 5 most exciting elephant facts here.
#9. Planting trees saves lives

Trees are an important source of food for many people: They attract marine animals in the mangrove forests and natural flora and fauna in the rainforest areas.
Wilson Gastanes lives in the Philippines and depends on mangroves for his quality of life, as he collects the mussels that settle on the roots of the mangroves. You can read more about him and his story here!
Reforestation: the holistic solution
More trees + more habitat for biodiversity + more oxygen = life in abundance!
From seed to mature tree: reforestation from a holistic perspective simply makes sense. We have no doubt that trees are important. What do you think about it?
Our aim is not only to plant forests, but also to create an environmentally friendly and sustainable future. Did you know that trees can do all this? The power to make a positive difference lies with you.
A colorful world is full of life and biodiversity that can only be created by trees and habitat restoration. Do you want to plant mangroves to combat soil erosion and save marine life? Or would you rather save elephants by reforesting their habitat in Thailand? Let us help you make a difference.
And don’t forget: it all starts with a seed.
Source reference
¹ https://pixelwerker.de/lexikon/holistisch/