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ESG projects

Ecologically, socially and economically sustainable

Sustainability projects

Find out more about our sustainability projects and the countries in which we are active.

Promoting education and planting trees

ESG Project Ghana

Promoting education and planting trees

Secure jobs and promote educational opportunities for young people.
ESG Project Ghana

Collecting marine plastic and reforesting the coast

ESG Project Philippines

Collecting marine plastic and reforesting the coast

Perfect combination of ecological, social and economic sustainability.
ESG Project Philippines

Creating and protecting habitats for elephants

ESG Project Thailand

Creating and protecting habitats for elephants

Protecting elephants and creating jobs. Ideal for ESG and its own brand image.
ESG Project Thailand

Projects according to ESG impact

What do you want to achieve with your company? What fits best with your ESG strategy?

Important: All projects offer you an economic benefit!



Start your company forest in two minutes. Ideal for ESG reporting.
Details on planting trees



Inspire your customers and your team. Become a love brand. Free the ocean from plastic waste.
Details on collecting marine plastic



Perfect for employer branding: offer young people an opportunity and support educational projects.
Details on educational support



Social sustainability: empowering women for global equal opportunities.
Details on Women Empowerment



The "S" in ESG stands for Social. Create secure, fairly paid full-time jobs.
Details on creating jobs



Fight species extinction and protect our global biodiversity as part of your ESG strategy.
Details on protecting our biodiversity

What questions do you have?

Every company approaches ESG and sustainability differently.

Feel free to discuss your individual wishes and ideas with us!

Would you like to implement ESG immediately?

Here you will find selected ESG packages that really make a difference.

And which are also great for communicating.

Sustainability is only holistically sustainable if all parties involved benefit.

Planting trees

  • 1,250 trees planted with more than 50 different tree species, which together will form an intact ecosystem
  • 5,000 square meters of reforested area whose microclimate has a positive impact on the global climate
  • Store 600,000 kg of CO2 in the long term
  • Bonus: An additional 250 days of agroforestry training for young people will be financed

Costs: 6.250 € + VAT

Place: Ghana

Ein freundlich lächelnder Mann steht an der Ladefläche eines Pick-Up und holt Baumsetzlinge in eine schwarze Wanne, dass er sie davon tragen kann.
An der Küste, auf den Philippinen, hängt Plastikmüll im Geäst der Mangroven und anderer Pflanzen.

Collect marine plastic

  • Collecting 100 kg of plastic from the sea – the plastic is turned into chairs for schools
  • Restore 125 square meters of habitat for marine life, thereby promoting biodiversity and food security
  • Promoting reforestation with 100 mangrove trees
  • Bonus: An additional 250 days of agroforestry training for young people will be financed

Costs: 500 € + VAT

Location: Philippines

Creating future prospects for people

  • Enabling 64 days of education for people, giving them economic prospects for the future
  • Fund 320 tree plantations consisting of an ecological mix of tree species, including crops that contribute to local food security
  • Creating 10 days of well-paid work for people

Costs: 1.600 € + VAT

Place: Ghana

In der Businessschule von Click A Tree lernen junge Menschen zusammen Wirtschaftslehre. Sie sitzen in einem kleinen Raum zusammen und schauen nach vorne zur Tafel.
Eine Frau in Ghana lächelt herzlich und hält in beiden Händen Baumsetzling

Promoting opportunities for women

  • Creating 10 days of well-paid work for women
  • Enable 64 days of education for women and men, giving them economic prospects for the future
  • Fund 320 tree plantations consisting of an ecological mix of tree species, including crops that contribute to local food security

Costs: 1.600 € + VAT

Place: Ghana

Bind CO2

  • Store 102.5 tons of CO2 in the long term through effective tree planting to counteract global climate change
  • 350 mangrove trees planted, which are also extremely useful for the local people
  • Invest in trees that are guaranteed to survive by Click A Tree and thus bind CO2 in the long term

Costs: 1.750 € + VAT

Location: Philippines

Eine Holzschubkarre voller Baumsetzlinge steht in Mitten eines Mangrovenwaldes auf den Philippinen.
Ein Elefant in Thailand isst genüsslich einen Bambus

Protecting biodiversity

  • 250 trees planted to close gaps in ecosystems
  • More than 50 different tree species, including useful plants, provide habitats for animals and food security for humans
  • Create 1,000 square meters of habitat for endangered species and thus protect biodiversity

Costs: 1.250 € + VAT

Location: Thailand

Corporate social responsibility package for companies

Meet the requirements of your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

  • Enabling 400 days of education for two people
  • Secure 500 hours of well-paid work, equivalent to three months’ income for a family
  • 2,000 trees planted, which will store around 1,000 tons of CO2 in the long term
  • Bonus: GPS coordinates, videos, individual image material, reports, facts for your employer branding marketing

Costs: 10.000 € + VAT

Place: Ghana

Eine Gruppe Menschen freut sich über gepflanzte Bäume in Ghana.
Ein junger Mann auf den Philippinen sthet zwischen Mangrovenbäumen und zeigt einen Click A Tree Wimpel

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) set

Meet all ESG requirements: Environmental, Social & Governance:

  • E: 10,000 trees planted, 12,500 square meters of habitat created, 2,930 tons of CO2 sequestered in the long term, 10,000 kg of plastic removed from the ocean
  • S: Secure 2,500 hours of well-paid work and thus guarantee an income for a family for 1.5 years
  • G: Demonstrate role model function and global commitment
  • Bonus: GPS coordinates, individual pictures and videos (also with drones), reports, success stories of the people on site, all facts and figures clearly presented for your sustainability department & employer branding marketing

Costs: 50,000 € + VAT

Location: Philippines

Determine your own ESG impact

  • You decide what impact you make – and where
  • You choose what suits you, your company and your ESG strategy

Costs: in line with your budget

Location: You select your preference

Landschaft mit wolkigem Himmel und viel Grün.