How green do you want our planet to be?

Choose how many
trees you want to plant

image image
Where do you want to plant?
How many trees do you want to plant?
Do you want to plant trees every month?
{{ formattedTotalPrice }} /Month
Plus VAT.
In the shopping bag If you want to plant more than 2000 trees, our sales team will find a personalized solution for you.
Contact sales

Your impact

Planted trees {{ this.trees }} pcs 2105 ClickA Tree Thailand 02 Vorteile des Bäume pflanzens
CO2 absorbed {{ this.co2 }} t
Work created {{ }} h
Plastic collected {{ this.plastic }} kg
Forested area {{ this.forest }} m2
Supported education {{}}  d

Your benefits

Flexible realization
Individual with & without subscription
Certified & Reliable
Sustainability is that easy

Our sustainability projects