Sustainability with the Green Rate booking at Seminaris Hotels
Nadine Heiß
- 21/01/2025
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Sustainable booking offer at the hotel
The Seminaris Hotels offer their customers a sustainable booking option.
When customers book their stay at a Seminaris Hotel via the hotel’s own booking portal and select the “Green Rate” option, they trigger the planting of a tree.
This sustainability measure was easy to integrate into the existing processes at Seminaris Hotels.
Hotels can offer their customers this sustainable rate completely risk-free.
Something that a modern, ecologically oriented target group appreciates very much.
This is how Seminaris positions itself competitively on the market.
- Every Seminaris Hotel contributes to sustainability through its cooperation with Click A Tree
- Over 1900 trees have already been planted in Ghana, absorbing considerable amounts of CO?
- Through the cooperation with Click A Tree, the Seminaris Hotels serve all 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations (SDGs)
- The reforestation has already revitalized 7,600 square meters of land and strengthened local biodiversity and ecosystems in the process
- The cooperation is completely without financial risk for the Seminaris Hotels
- The sustainable booking rate could be easily integrated into existing processes
- The "Green Rate" reaches a strong target group
Would you like the same for your company?
Then talk to us!

Sustainability made easy in the hotel industry
The Seminaris Hotels are committed to responsible tourism with modern and environmentally friendly conference and accommodation facilities.
Their commitment to sustainability permeates all aspects of hotel operations and offers guests a unique blend of comfort and environmental awareness.
The “Green Rate” enables guests to contribute directly to reforestation while enjoying the benefits of a pleasant hotel stay.
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Seminaris Hotels and Click A Tree
Seminaris Hotels has been working with Click A Tree since 2021.
This collaboration has already led to the planting of over 1900 trees.
Seminaris Hotels can always keep an eye on their impact via the Universal Impact Portal.
The dashboard it contains also offers the opportunity to share environmental and social successes with your own customers.

Responsible tourism and competitiveness
It strengthens the brand image enormously when hotels show in their customer communication how they are committed to preserving the environment.
Hotels that demonstrate a sense of responsibility are seen as sustainable.
This allows hotels to tap into new target groups with sustainability measures.
At the same time, guests become return guests.
This is what Seminaris says about the cooperation with Click A Tree: “We hope that our guests’ growing awareness of climate protection will also allow the areas reforested with Click A Tree to continue to grow.”

Would you like the same for your company?
Then contact us without obligation.
At Click A Tree, we make sure that sustainability boosts sales and is fun!
Together for a beautiful future!

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