Earth Overshoot Day
(Earth Overshoot Day)

7 tips to postpone the day

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On Earth Overshoot Day, we have used up what natural resources are theoretically available to us for a year.

Here you can find out all about Earth Overshoot Day: what it is, when it is and 7 simple ideas on how to postpone it.

Erdüberlastungstag Earth Overshoot Day Lead Image

What is the Earth Overload Day?

Our planet provides us with a certain amount of resources.

Natural resources.

And we humans use these resources.
Day after day.

The problem is that we are currently consuming significantly more resources than are actually available to us each year.

The date in the year on which we switch from “we use available resources” to “from now on we use resources that are actually needed for the future” is the so-called “Earth Overload Day”.

From this day on, we are practically living on credit, using up resources that are intended for future generations.

Who calculates the earth overload day?

The Earth Overshoot Day is calculated by the Global Footprint Network.

This year, we humans are living as if we had the resources of 1.71 earths at our disposal.

And the number of earths required in purely mathematical terms is increasing every year because we consume more resources every year.

This is why the Earth Overload Day is always earlier in the year.

In 2023, Earth Overshoot Day was still on August 2.
In 2020, it was only on August 22.

The hashtag for Earth Overload Day: #movethedate

Resources are limited and should be used responsibly.

If we want to preserve our planet as a beautiful place worth living in, we should act in a more resource-conserving way.

The hashtag #movethedate is used for all ideas and initiatives that reduce humanity’s consumption of natural resources.

#movethedate is practically the hashtag of Earth Overload Day.

When is the earth overload day?

In previous years, these were Earth Overshoot Days:

  • 2020: August 22
  • 2021: July 29
  • 2022: July 28
  • 2023: August 02
  • 2024: August 01
But that is only the global average.
Every country has its very own Overshoot Day.

But we can do something!

Throughout the history of mankind, we have always found solutions.

At Click A Tree, we plant trees for companies, people and the global climate.

We focus on fast, uncomplicated and efficient measures that are holistically sustainable and therefore have a real impact.

Things you can do to postpone Earth Overshoot Day

There are, of course, a whole host of things we can do to postpone Earth Overshoot Day.

Here are 7 simple tips on what we can all do.

4 tips are aimed specifically at companies, the other 3 at private individuals.

Rethinking consumption and emissions

It is important that you first become aware of how you actually live.

Think about how you consume and what you would like to change.

There are already sustainable substitutes for most of our favorite products and activities.

What is the ecological footprint?

This video explains how your CO2 footprint is made up.

Together, we can all adapt our behavior so that we enjoy life and still treat our planet with care.

4 simple tips on how you can become more sustainable with your company

You will definitely have the greatest impact if you help to make your company more sustainable.

But it doesn’t have to be a major revolution.

Simple first steps are the best way to make a difference.

1. conscious consumption in the company

Focuses on second-hand office supplies or shared spaces and equipment.

Home office reduces the space required.

Digitization helps to reduce paper consumption.

Put vegetarian or vegan dishes on the canteen menu.

2. energy efficiency

Invests in energy-efficient technologies and workflows.

And find out whether you are already using energy from sustainable sources.

3. conserve resources

Avoid waste wherever possible.

Take part in recycling measures.

Organize a waste collection campaign together to raise awareness.

4. sustainable partnerships

Discuss collaborations with companies like Click A Tree to have a direct positive impact.

For inspiration, you can find specific examples of how other companies are successfully implementing sustainability here.

Just send us a non-binding e-mail.

Then we can discuss together what makes the most sense for you.

Today, sustainability is a success factor for the future viability of companies.

Transition is a term in the corporate world that is associated with great opportunities!

The easiest thing you can do right now: Share this article with a work colleague.

Three ideas on how private individuals can postpone Earth Overshoot Day

Of course, we can also make a real difference as private individuals.

Here are three simple things you can do today to postpone Earth Overshoot Day.

1. plant trees to restore what we have already lost

Trees play an important role in reducing harmful carbon dioxide in the air and regulating the water cycle.

Tropical forests have a positive effect on the global climate.

By planting trees, we help ecosystems to “work” resiliently and effectively.

We can close gaps in existing forests and thus preserve the habitat of wild animals.

In addition, all of Click A Tree’s reforestation projects create jobs and future prospects in the project countries.

Bäume pflanzen zum Earth Overshoot Day Erdüberlastungstag

Your company, your association, your organization, your family and you can all ensure that these projects implement holistic sustainability!

Protecting biodiversity on Earth Overshoot Day

If you care about our global biodiversity:
In our reforestation project in Thailand, we ensure that the wild elephants are doing well with Click A Tree’s trees for elephants.
In this way, we protect biodiversity.
Safeguarding the natural habitat is the key to preserving biodiversity and ensuring the survival of endangered species.
Biodiversität schützen und Lebensraum für Elefanten sichern mit Click A Tree

If you think elephants are great: You can create a habitat for them here.

2. order Green Gastro dishes that plant trees

One of my favorite tips:
You go out to eat and order the “Green Gastro dish”.
Every Green Gastro dish plants a tree!
Sustainability can be so simple (and above all so delicious!)!
You can find our partner restaurateurs on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Or simply write to us briefly.

Green Gastro Gericht am Erdüberlastungstag Earth Overshoot Day

Your favorite restaurant or caterer is not yet included?

Then share this article – and encourage them to join in.

The cooperation is completely free of charge for restaurants!

3. reduce the CO2 footprint in your country on World Congestion Day

If each of us makes changes in our lives to reduce our carbon footprint, we will soon be much closer to balance.

One way to do this is to use and support sustainable offers in your country.

Did you know, for example, that in many countries you can receive incentives to install solar panels on your home?

Solar Panels for Earth Overshoot Day

Many countries are already taking steps to reduce their consumption of natural resources.

Be it through the implementation of energy-saving projects, more recycling options for people or the provision of economical means of transportation.

Earth Overshoot Day

Another great thing you can do to push back Earth Overshoot Day is to bring #movethedate to the attention of others.

The more people get involved, the better for our planet. Everything is easier together.

So share this article with friends!

Do you want to do your bit for #movethedate with your company?

Find inspiration here on how other companies benefit from sustainability.

And then feel free to write to us to discuss your own ideas and goals.

We are sure to find the ideal solution for you and your company!