More travel bookings through sustainability measures

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Sustainability in the travel industry

The contact point for travel offers in Asia, Africa and the Orient is called “unterwegs mit reisefieber”.

Individual vacation wishes are fulfilled here.

There is fierce competition in the tourism industry, and sustainability measures are sharpening the brand profile.

The cooperation between unterwegs mit reisefieber and Click A Tree makes an uncomplicated contribution to the future viability of the company.

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Das Bild zeigt einen Mangrovenwald mit dichtem Wurzelwerk auf schlammigem Boden. Im Vordergrund steht ein altes, hölzernes Boot oder eine Schubkarre, das von der Natur umgeben ist. Über dem Bild ist in großen weißen Buchstaben der Text „Mehr Reise-Buchungen durch Nachhaltigkeitsmaßnahmen“ platziert. Unten rechts befindet sich das Logo von „reisefieber“, einem Asien-Reisespezialisten, das eine Sonne, Palmen und einen Strand zeigt. Darunter steht der Schriftzug „Der Asien-Spezialist seit über 40 Jahren“.

Sustainability - brand image - customer loyalty

“unterwegs mit reisefieber” is responsible:

In early 2024, the company will plant the first 100 trees in Thailand and the Philippines.
Travel and sustainability don’t have to be mutually exclusive!

For every travel booking, we support tree planting in Thailand and the Philippines.

In this way, travelers support Click A Tree’s environmental protection, climate protection and wildlife conservation measures.

The response from guests is great: travel and do good!
Regular customers are happy to book individually tailored vacation trips again.

Sustainable commitment is an integral part of the corporate philosophy of “unterwegs mit reisefieber”. Supported by sustainable travel programs and ECO resorts in the portfolio, Click A Tree strengthens the brand image.

Sustainability measures contribute to future security

Sustainability as a core competence: Sandra Pientka and her team are based in Aschaffenburg.
With expertise in travel to Asia, Arabia and Africa, unterwegs mit reisefieber offers exclusive and individual vacation experiences.

It is important to the company to preserve nature in all its beauty and to provide local people with a long-term livelihood.
This is why “unterwegs mit reisefieber” supports tree planting in the destination areas.

Thanks to Click A Tree’s holistic approach to sustainability, the tree plantations always also bring about local development cooperation and the protection of biodiversity and regional nature.
Gaps in existing forests are closed through reforestation, creating resilient ecosystems and having a positive impact on the global climate.

Das Bild zeigt einen Elefanten, der mit seinem Rüssel einen Bambusstock hält und daran knabbert. Der Elefant ist aus der Nähe aufgenommen, und man kann die Details seiner Hautfalten gut erkennen. Im Hintergrund sind dichte grüne Bäume und Vegetation zu sehen, die die natürliche Umgebung des Elefanten widerspiegeln. Unten rechts im Bild befindet sich das Logo von Click A Tree mit der Webadresse „“.

Recurring bookings and new customers

Customers appreciate this meaningful commitment and show this through recurring bookings.
It also attracts new customers.
This is because travelers are interested in ensuring that the beautiful vacation destinations are preserved as such.

“unterwegs mit Reisefieber” proves that vacation travel and sustainability can be successfully combined and are also valuable from a business perspective.

Das Bild zeigt ein großes Feld junger Mangroven, die in seichtem Wasser wachsen. Die Setzlinge sind in gleichmäßigen Abständen gepflanzt, ihre grünen Blätter ragen aus dem Wasser. Im Hintergrund ist dichter, tropischer Wald mit üppiger Vegetation zu sehen. Das Bild vermittelt den Eindruck eines Mangroven-Aufforstungsprojekts. Unten rechts befindet sich das Logo von Click A Tree, begleitet von der Webadresse „“.

Sustainable tourism is the trend

The cooperation between the tour operator and Click A Tree has been in place since the beginning of 2024.
An area of 262.50 m² has now been reforested with 100 trees planted and 50 kg of plastic waste has been removed from the sea.

“unterwegs mit reisefieber” supports the Click A Tree projects in the Philippines and Thailand, as these destinations are part of its portfolio.
The plantations create jobs, promote biodiversity, create habitats for animals and collect marine plastic.

Sustainability as transparent and uncomplicated as possible

Sandra Pientka and her team members can view the impact achieved by planting trees at any time via their Click A Tree Dashboard and share it with their customers.

“Doing something good is very easy with Click A Tree and it’s nice to see what great things you can achieve together.”

The Universal Impact Portal dashboard is available to all companies and individuals who plant trees together with Click A Tree.

It is easy to access via the login on the website and clearly shows what has been achieved by planting trees: The area reforested, the trees planted, the CO? absorbed, the education supported, the plastic waste collected from the sea and the work created for local people.

The "Universal Impact Portal" is available to all people who work with Click A Tree

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